Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lower your Cholesterol with Curcumall®

Within the last five years, Curcumall® was prescribed to many patients who suffered from Arthritis, Crohn's disease, Parkinson and other health problems. Those who took Curcumall® on a regular basis (once or twice daily) reported that after a few weeks they realized that in addition to relief from their symptoms, there was also a significant reduction in their cholesterol levels as well as weight loss.
The lowering of the cholesterol did not come as a surprise, as there is research to back it. The weight loss reports of the patients sounded interesting but we found very little research evidence to back these reports till the newly published report, by Asma Ejaz et al suggesting that dietary curcumin may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity

Curcumin prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the body. Since oxidized cholesterol damages blood vessels and builds up in the plaques that can lead to heart attack or stroke, preventing the oxidation of new cholesterol may help reduce the progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.

In a 2007 research, D. Peschel showed that curcumin prevents LDL (bad) cholesterol from becoming oxidized, thus preventing the damaging effects of cholesterol on the arteries. Curcumin was shown to lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by stimulating the creation of more LDL-receptors in the liver.

Another preliminary research that was performed in India (Soni, K. B. et al, The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1992), showed a significant drop in cholesterol levels in ten healthy volunteers who consumed curcumin for seven days. Not only did their blood levels of oxidized cholesterol drop by 33%, but their total cholesterol dropped 11.63%, and their HDL (good cholesterol) increased by 29% !
Curcumall® is a concentrated liquid form of curcumin C3 and is recommended to be taken once or twice daily, a teaspoon in a glass of water, on an empty stomach (half an hour before meal, or two hours after meal).
Curcumall®, has demonstrated high bioavailability and is well absorbed through the intestine to the blood. In contrast to statins, Curcumall® has no side effects.

Maintaining Normal Cholesterol Levels
Lowering Cholesterol levels with Curcumall® can be obtained within a few weeks. After reaching normal cholesterol levels it is recommended to continue the intake of Curcumall® as a preventive measure once daily.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Be Happy with Cucrumall®

If you want to help boost your mood make a habit of drinking Curcumall® every day – a teaspoon mixed in a glass of water, half an hour before meal.
In contrast to many other turmeric/ curcumin products, Curcumall® in its liquid concentrated form has demonstrated high bioavailability.
Curcumin C3, the active ingredient in Curcumall® has shown in animal models to act as an antidepressant.  It was found that curcumin enhances nerve growth in areas of the brain associated with emotional equilibrium.
Curcumall® may also relieve migranes. Ginger is one of Curcumall's ingredients and it was found that ginger can relieve migranes. Researchers believe the gingerols found in ginger, may be responsible for blocking the body's prostaglandins. These are substances that cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, which leads to migraines.
"I was quite amazed to realize that after taking Curcumall® for circa ten days, it relieved my head migranes.  I am very grateful and can recommend it to anyove who suffers from migranes..." (Sheri K., PA)
In addition, curcumin is a potent natural anti-inflammatory agent which was shown to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and the risk of cancer. So there are clear benefits to consume Curcumall® on a daily routine. It is a safe supplement that can be taken indefinitely and even together with pharmaceutical antidepressants.